This is where you can find all the things we have done recently and in the past, since the beginning of this project. If you want to see more pictures you may follow us on instagram @PANTHERGALSFORCHANGE where we post our most recent activity.
We had a successful bake sale, where we raised almost $100! Although it was an exhausting day we had fun! Knowing it was for a good cause, made it all worth it!
The Women's march was amazing and such a great eye opening experience in seeing how so many people will stand up for what they believe in.
We have also volunteered at The Midnight Mission, who we plan on working with! Before joining Girls Build LA, we didn't realize all the things we could be doing on our own to help better our community. Being in this program has taught us to think outside of the box and see the world from a totally different perspective.
We were also able to create our own team shirts. Three of our girls designed such amazing shirts. They came out beautiful!
We held a booth at our school for International Women's day. We had trivia of all the accomplishments women have achieved throughout history! It was a fun and an educational time our peers had along with us.
We went to the March For Our Lives in hopes to create change in schools all around America to try and help students feel safe in their schools.
We had the pleasure of going to City Hall and have a meting with Grayce Liu and Abigail Marquez. We were informed on ways to we can continue to serve our community and we got amazing advice during both of our meetings. Spending the day with two motivated women who are passionate about their work and helping the community was a motivating experience. A big thank you to both of these amazing women for taking time out of their day to speak with us and a big thank you to our coordinators for this enlightening opportunity.
We were lucky enough to be interviewed on our experience throughout our journey with Girls Build LA. In this article you hear of our journey from how it came to be, what we went through as a team and how it's impacted our lives. We are extremely grateful to have an article written about our journey! If you'd like to read the article here is the link!
Who knew that our passion for our project would lead us to be interviewed for a documentary! We had so much fun being interviewed individually and spending some quality time with our team. It was truly an honor to be a part of this experience and we could not be more grateful. We are extremely proud of our team and how far we've gotten with each other, our coordinators and our community. We are so grateful to be fortunate enough to speak our minds on our hopes for the future, on America, our plans to change the world and many other topics. We spent 5 hours with people who have changed our lives and inspired us. A huge thank you to Elizabeth Gracen from Flapper Films for allowing us to be a part of the documentary, Gen Z! Truly a experience we will never forget.